December 4th-Deember 10th

This week in Titus' life we did our normal routines; play dates, errands, and the Ymca. On Wednesday we met the play group that Titus has been a part of since he was a little man for a Christmas celebration. In honor of the desperate attempt to keep Christmas about Christ and to help instill in our little ones the value of giving, we made Christmas cards. That's right about 10-15 little ones gathered to decorate Christmas cards that we are going to deliver to a nursing home next week. It was pretty adorable. I don't think the good people in the nursing will be too impressed with the decor of the cards, but the adorable little faces that will be delivering them will be priceless!
We had a little Christmas book exchange too! Above are a few shots of some of the kids at play group trying to read the same book. All the boys wanted to sit in Nicole's lap! Don't you love the spirit of Christmas! Sharing!
On Friday we had a family play date at our favorite place...Chic-fil-a! We went at 10:30 before the mom's who really need to get out
in this cold weather get there! That place gets wild with stay at home mom's and rowdy kids! Can you blame them! :)
One last picture of T being T.