From Charlotte Street

We live on Charlotte Street. We live in the city. We love our neighborhood. We love our boys. Our house is usually a wild mess; full of wrestling children and flying footballs. We are so far from perfect and so thankful that we don't have to be because we serve a God was and is perfect for us.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Born for the stage

Put T's flat bill hat on sideways and what do you get? A show. Look at that face. He was born to perform. I don't know where he gets it? :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

a late Valentine post (for my baby boy)

Dear Titus,
  My sweet little tornado. I'm so thankful that God blessed me with you. I love your outgoing personality, your huge smile, your fiesty spirit, and your big hugs. I love how you never slow down. You're my first baby. I love you. This is the verse I pray over you:
And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you would be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.
                                     Colossians 1: 9&10
Love, Mommy

Valentine's Day

On valentine's day we decorated cookies and at first T loved it!

Then he got bored and started exploring with the frosting

Don't really know what he was doing here other than not caring about decorating cookies

and very quickly he was ALL DONE :)
I love you, my little Valentine.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

snow day

Yesterday we had our first good snow of the winter in KC. We usually have had about 8 "good" snows by this point so yesterday was a big deal this year! Titus wanted to play in the snow really bad all day long. Matt took him out a few times, but I never braved the cold! Instead, I convinced him how cool it was to sit on the counter (which he never gets to do) and watch the snow from the window! :) He loved that as well. Look at that sweet (and a little dirty) face.

Friday, February 10, 2012

A week in the life...8

We kicked the week off with the rocking super bowl party mentioned in the previous post. It's worth your time to check out the video of Mr. T.

Some other highlights of our week were playing at the park with Riley and Bella, b-ball with daddy, cooking with mom, going to Sylvester Powell in honnor of Annie's 2 year old birthday, and doughnuts with dad. More details on these events below!

Mr. T has discovered a love for basektball. Matt got a bball goal for his bday and T got one for Christmas and we have been a bball family ever since. EVERY time T and I pull in the drive way he starts saying, "basketball dadda, basketball dadda", over and over and over! He loves playing ball with dadda. If he grows a few feet he could be pretty good some day.
 Cooking with mom
Let's be honest, even though Titus did some fun things this week I have not doubt in my mind that his absoulte favorite was doughnuts with dad. Matt and I are trying to get in the habit while Titus is still young and our only child of getting time one on one with him. This is something we plan on making a priority as we have more kids. Wise people around us have set this example and we think its a great way to connect with each of your children as a individual and not just a pack of kids! (That probably makes you suscpious to how many kids we want...10?, just kidding, not that many, we need to be able to feed them!) So anyway, Titus and Matt had a doughnut date on Thursday morning. Titus greeted everyone at Lamar's with a big smile and a loud hi.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Run the Ball

This year we decided to lay low on Super Bowl Sunday. And by lay low I mean Titus, Matt, and I had our own little super bowl party. It got a little rowdy. I let you check it out for yourself.

Simple Joys

Praise God for Costco and my sweet little boy

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Reading time

 I found Titus reading his Jesus storybook bible to his bear the other day. It was pretty darn precious. And to clarify reading I mean saying random words and babble over and over.

Christmas in a blur..

Christmas is definitely not originally meant to be a blur. It's meant to be a time where we celebrate the birth of our savior. Matt and I strive to not make the advent season a blur of presents, food, and busyness. We really want the advent season to be a time where we slow down and anticipate the coming of Christ. We don't always do this well, but that's what we hope for. This post is going to be the opposite of what we want Christmas to be, but here it is a blur of many different Christmas events in one. Sorry it's a little late!!!
Here we go...
At dinner with my parents a few days before Christmas. Someone really liked his sauce!

Look at that handsome boy at the Christmas table. This year Matt and I hosted Christmas eve dinner at our house. Man....It was a lot of cooking, eating, and chatting. We had a great time!

Two little Italian cousins flexing their muscles!

Titus showing off one of his presents to all his grandparents
This child ate so much spaghetti on Christmas (a Marasco tradition) that his stomach looked like he was pregnant. I felt kinda bad for letting him eat so much, but Matt was really proud of his little guy!

Thank you Grand daddy and Gigi for this toy, one of Titus' favs!