From Charlotte Street

We live on Charlotte Street. We live in the city. We love our neighborhood. We love our boys. Our house is usually a wild mess; full of wrestling children and flying footballs. We are so far from perfect and so thankful that we don't have to be because we serve a God was and is perfect for us.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Titus put on his "handsome clothes" today. He put them on to celebrate! We celebrate on Easter sunday because "He is Risen". Our hope is that as Titus grows up he realizes that if Easter is only about eggs, baskets, and good food then we missed the point. Easter is about celebrating the fact that our savior died on the cross and rose from the dead. He conquered sin, he conquered death, he made our way to God. That truth is why we put on our "handsome clothes" and CELEBRATE Easter! 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

A week in the life...10

March 25-April 1

It's been awhile since I posted about a week in Titus' life. He's just such a busy 20 month old that it's hard to slow down and document his adventures! :)

This week T discovered THESE carts at the grocery store! I think it's going to totally transform our shopping experiences, for the better!

T and mommy met a few friends at Loose Park this week. This was his first time feeding the ducks (and geese)! He loved it and didn't fall in so I count it as a success!

T had a few friends come play at our house this week. He loves all his lady friends! Don't be fooled by this picture, the puzzles didn't entertain them long! 

I mean look at that Tie. How handsome is this guy? Titus wore his "tie shirt" in honor of palm Sunday.