Bram Mac 11 Months
Not sure (no doctor visit this month)
- You love to clap
- You greet everyone with a wave
- cruising all over the place
- speedster going up the stairs (mommy has to keep a close eye on you!)
- You are loving big boy food and are only taking a bottle at bedtime (still getting milk in sippy cup the rest of the day)
-sleeping great at nap time and at night!
- You are not babbling that often, but you can babble DA DA and MA MA. You don't use those sounds to request your daddy or mommy yet (but I'm sure we will be there soon!)
-There are not many struggles right now! PTL
Dear Bram,
The month of June has been so fun with you. You love the water! You splash like a wild man in the tub and at the pool. As soon as I turn on the water for you bath your feet start kicking like crazy. It is fun to watch you and your big brother interact more. Your eyes light up when Titus talks to you. Sometimes in the car if you are sad I will ask Titus to try and make you laugh! He starts making all sorts of funny faces and noises and low and behold it almost always turns your tears into giggles. Your laugh is contagious. You really get laughing hard whenever mommy or daddy tickles your tummy. I love it. Your laugh always brightens my day.
I love you son,