Silly Things My Kids Say...that I never want to forget
Date Age Kid Comment or Convo
11/7/13 3 Titus During lunch out of no where T said, "uhhhhhh Mom, when can we go back to Florida!"
11/3/13 3 Titus T walked into a large room where Daddy was teaching a premarital class to about 70 people, he watched him for a few minutes, and then looked and his grandparents and asked, "Is he Jesus?"
11/12/13 3 Titus Mom: Titus do you remember your teachers name from school last year
Titus: F U. (then he rambled some other letters) (he had no idea what he was saying, but matt and I started cracking up)
1/10/14 3 Titus While praying for a friends baby girl who is in the hospital T said, "Dear God, please be with Charlotte, please heal her tummy, give her mercy, and grow her into a strong Godly Man. Amen."
3/13/14 Titus T was playing baseball outside with Daddy. He was doing a great job hitting the ball and Matt said, "T how do you do it" and Titus walked up to the plate look at Matt and said, "I DO what I DO."
(I will continue to add onto this post)