From Charlotte Street

We live on Charlotte Street. We live in the city. We love our neighborhood. We love our boys. Our house is usually a wild mess; full of wrestling children and flying footballs. We are so far from perfect and so thankful that we don't have to be because we serve a God was and is perfect for us.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Bram 2 Months

Bram 2 Months

weight 14 lbs, 97% percentile (He's a chunk!)
length 22 3/4, 50% percentile
head circumference 15 1/2, 25% percentile

*Bram started smiling around the 8 week mark
*good head control
*sweet sweet temperament
*can pull legs up under him
*turn head from side to side while on tummy

*sleep- wants to be held! I don't blame him I love cuddling as well, but it does make it tough to get sleep in our house! Just this week he started going to bed in his bassinet with a good routine around 9:30pm! Great progress! After that it is all over the place.
*keeping him safe from his big brother! Titus loves him so much that he wants to squeeze, lick, and step on him! :)

We love you Bram Mac. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Sweet Bram! Miss you and your momma both!
