From Charlotte Street

We live on Charlotte Street. We live in the city. We love our neighborhood. We love our boys. Our house is usually a wild mess; full of wrestling children and flying footballs. We are so far from perfect and so thankful that we don't have to be because we serve a God was and is perfect for us.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Papa Mike

Last weekend our new little family of four loaded up and headed south...just to Wichita, but it was our first road trip as a family of four!

 The boys were both asleep as soon as we hit the road! Praise the Lord. Of course on a 3 hour rode trip with a chubby hungry baby we had to stop at the 1.5 hour mark. If you are on road trip in the Midwest where else would stop but Braum's!

We tried to take a family picture while we were at Braum's and this is what we got! It pretty much describes our stop at Braum's. Crazy. But delicious. Who can resist a good burger with fries and maybe we got ice cream as well...maybe.

Papa had this delightful "toy" ready for the boys when we got there. Titus had an awesome time bouncing around with his cousin Ryder. Matt might have had even more fun then the kids did in this thing. He threw the boys all over the place in there. As you can tell Papa Mike spent some time in the bounce house as well.

One night we got dressed up in "handsome" clothes and went to a childhood favorite restaurant of Matt's, called Defazzio's. The Handsome little man and I had a hard time getting a good picture in the car, but you can sort of see a close up of his comb-over in the pic of us together . Matt and I secretly love him with a comb-over. A comb-over was how Matt liked his hair as kid. :) It's true.

And finally...Matt and the other big boys (uncle Jake, uncle Jimmy, and papa Mike) spent some time in the cage. If I say so myself, Matt has still got it. :) 

Aunt Hollie and I got some much needed time with our sweet niece Briar. Isn't she precious.

Until the next road trip....

1 comment:

  1. why is your blog not in my reader?!

    of course you guys ate at defazzios. it sounds italian. nato will love will give him something different to yell other than LUIGI! across the room.
