Bram Mac
Weight 22lbs 9 oz (50%)
Height 28 1/2" (10%)
Head Circ 18 1/2" (70%)
-cruising like a champ but not walking yet
-babbling constant sounds but no words yet
-recognizing familiar people when asked to find "mommy, etc"
-you are still a great eater!
-you did a great job moving from the bottle to sippy cup!
-babbling constant sounds but no words yet
-recognizing familiar people when asked to find "mommy, etc"
-you are still a great eater!
-you did a great job moving from the bottle to sippy cup!
-still not saying mama or dada specially in regards to us (Dr. Natasha said not to worry hopefully that will come in the next few weeks)
-sleep overall is really good. You don't take very long naps but you are happy when you're awake so that is great!
-sleep overall is really good. You don't take very long naps but you are happy when you're awake so that is great!
Letter from Mommy
My Sweet Little Bram,
Happy First Birthday! We had such a great time celebrating your b-day. On July 4th (the day after your 1 st b-day) we had our family all come over for a party. We cooked out steaks and veggies and had a big birthday cake! You loved your cake! I'm not surprised because you love all food! I'll post pictures from your party down below. Everyone always talks about what a sweet boy you are and how you can make anyone smile. Your temperament is so pleasant and you are always happy to make a new friend. You are starting to get sad whenever mommy has to leave you in child watch at the Y or at church but every time I come back to get you a smile is on your face again! You and Titus are starting to play together more. Titus loves to practice his football moves on you. You're a tough boy to handle a big brother like T. I hope you and Titus always have a good relationship where you can laugh, fight, cry, and joke together. Daddy and I pray for you everyday. We pray that you grow to be a strong, Godly man; who knows God and loves God.

We love you Brammy.
My Sweet Little Bram,
Happy First Birthday! We had such a great time celebrating your b-day. On July 4th (the day after your 1 st b-day) we had our family all come over for a party. We cooked out steaks and veggies and had a big birthday cake! You loved your cake! I'm not surprised because you love all food! I'll post pictures from your party down below. Everyone always talks about what a sweet boy you are and how you can make anyone smile. Your temperament is so pleasant and you are always happy to make a new friend. You are starting to get sad whenever mommy has to leave you in child watch at the Y or at church but every time I come back to get you a smile is on your face again! You and Titus are starting to play together more. Titus loves to practice his football moves on you. You're a tough boy to handle a big brother like T. I hope you and Titus always have a good relationship where you can laugh, fight, cry, and joke together. Daddy and I pray for you everyday. We pray that you grow to be a strong, Godly man; who knows God and loves God.
We love you Brammy.
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