Height 34 1/2 (70%)
Head Circ 19 1/2 (90%)
-wrestling big brother
-giving kisses
-throwing a football
-hitting a baseball without a T and with a T
-catching a big ball
-he loves to throw a ball up and kick it
-running fast (as he calls it)
-TALKING! All the time! He can say long sentences and he has his favorite phrases; such as, I do it or I need it! When he wakes up in the morning he cries, "I need you, mommy, I need you".

-sharing with big brother
-sleeping! (moving and having a baby sister has really thrown Bram's sleeping routine off)
-loving Mabeline too much! Sometimes his hugs and kisses are a little intense! ;)
brammy, bammy boo, bam bam, bamalicious, brama-lama-ding-dong,
Letter from Mommy
Dear Brammy,
Happy two years old! We love you so much! It seems like just yesterday I was sneaking into the NICU as much as they would let me to hold you on my chest. You have grown up so much over the last two years. Your personality is so much fun to be around. People are drawn to your sweet smile and tender heart. You LOVE your family. Everyday you say, "I wove you mommy", often times without even being prompted. You are always the first one to tell mommy she looks pretty whenever I put on "real clothes". You always say, "petty mommy", without being prompted. What a sweet guy. You remind me a lot of your daddy. I'm so thankful God made me your mommy. You love being a big brother and a little brother. You look up to your big brother Titus so much and Mabie is your favorite little lady. We are praying that God saves you at a young age and that you grow up to be strong, wise, discerning, Godly man, who loves Jesus, and loves People.
Dear Brammy,
Happy two years old! We love you so much! It seems like just yesterday I was sneaking into the NICU as much as they would let me to hold you on my chest. You have grown up so much over the last two years. Your personality is so much fun to be around. People are drawn to your sweet smile and tender heart. You LOVE your family. Everyday you say, "I wove you mommy", often times without even being prompted. You are always the first one to tell mommy she looks pretty whenever I put on "real clothes". You always say, "petty mommy", without being prompted. What a sweet guy. You remind me a lot of your daddy. I'm so thankful God made me your mommy. You love being a big brother and a little brother. You look up to your big brother Titus so much and Mabie is your favorite little lady. We are praying that God saves you at a young age and that you grow up to be strong, wise, discerning, Godly man, who loves Jesus, and loves People.
We love you, Bam Bam.
Love, Mommy
Love, Mommy
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