From Charlotte Street

We live on Charlotte Street. We live in the city. We love our neighborhood. We love our boys. Our house is usually a wild mess; full of wrestling children and flying footballs. We are so far from perfect and so thankful that we don't have to be because we serve a God was and is perfect for us.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A week in the life...9

December 4th-Deember 10th

This week in Titus' life we did our normal routines; play dates, errands, and the Ymca. On Wednesday we met the play group that Titus has been a part of since he was a little man for a Christmas celebration. In honor of the desperate attempt to keep Christmas about Christ and to help instill in our little ones the value of giving, we made Christmas cards. That's right about 10-15 little ones gathered to decorate Christmas cards that we are going to deliver to a nursing home next week. It was pretty adorable. I don't think the good people in the nursing will be too impressed with the decor of the cards, but the adorable little faces that will be delivering them will be priceless!

We had a little Christmas book exchange too! Above are a few shots of some of the kids at play group trying to read the same book. All the boys wanted to sit in Nicole's lap! Don't you love the spirit of Christmas! Sharing!

On Friday we had a family play date at our favorite place...Chic-fil-a! We went at 10:30 before the mom's who really need to get out
in this cold weather get there! That place gets wild with stay at home mom's and rowdy kids! Can you blame them! :)

One last picture of T being T.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A week in the life...8

Forgive me for missing a few weeks of Titus' "a week in the life". I feel like I had a good excuse with us moving and then going out of town for 8 days! Well here we are back at it! 

This week was full of organizing closets and trying to stay busy because of the crazy cold weather! We are also currently trying to drop Titus' morning nap...STILL! He loves that nap and to be honest I love it too! I do think he is ready though because his afternoon nap is getting really short. Titus and I are on the MOVE all morning to keep him up! Here are few pictures from our week...
Hiding from Mommy in his favorite spot...Daddy's closet! I wanted to go outside for a walk and I think he knew it was freezing and crazy to go outside!

On Wednesday morning we met some friends from play group at Sylvester Powell. Titus loved it! As soon as we got there he ran off. Every once in a while he would look for me, then wave, and then run off. I was pretty proud of my independent and brave man. A gym full of toys and kids was exactly what we needed on a cold morning!

Thank Goodness November is over. Titus can finally shave!

It's usually a special occasion when you find the Marasco family eating out, but not this past Friday night. We decided to splurge a little and go out for a nice family dinner for no reason at all. We went to.............CiCi's Pizza! All joking aside, Matt really loves CiCi's and I really don't love CiCi's. I don't think Matt loves CiCi's pizza because of the quality of the food itself. I think he loves it because of the quantity of food for the low price of $6! Either way in my opinion the splurge was worth it to see the joy on these two guys faces...