From Charlotte Street

We live on Charlotte Street. We live in the city. We love our neighborhood. We love our boys. Our house is usually a wild mess; full of wrestling children and flying footballs. We are so far from perfect and so thankful that we don't have to be because we serve a God was and is perfect for us.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bram Mac 10 Months

Happy 10 Months Handsome Boy.

Weight 18 lbs (estimate)
Height ?????
Head Circ ??????

-You are CRAWLING!
-You can hold your self up along a table or couch
- You are sleeping great!
- You have been sick once since getting your tubes and you didn't get an ear infection! Good news!

-You have been sick a few times this month (but didn't get an ear infection!) When you are sick you just want mommy to hold you. That part is pretty sweet.
-You are crawling and getting into everything! :)
-You will eat anything that comes in your path (scares mommy)

Dear Brammy,
  Sweet boy. I'm so proud of you. You have had a great month. You were such a big boy when you got your tubes a few weeks ago. You were so patient and happy. We arrived at the hospital at 6am and had to wait until 7:15 for your surgery to start. You played quietly with mommy and daddy during that time. Everyone at the hospital was smitten by your sweet smile and chubby checks. You greeted the surgeon, nurses, and other doctors with your adorable smile. They loved you. Your surgery went great. It took about 15 minutes for them to put in your tubes. Mommy was pretty nervous the entire time. I paced the waiting room and your daddy teared up when your status on the "waiting room board" said IN SURGERY. We went right back to see you as soon as the doctor would let us. You wanted to nurse right away and were very disoriented. We got you home and you took the longest nap of your life (about 4 hours) and then woke up like nothing had ever happened. Your ears haven't bothered you since. Praise God. You have been doing great gaining weight since your 9 month check up. You have been taking two bottles a day and nursing twice a day. It seems to be working well for both of us. You love "big boy" food as well. You like to eat avocados, cheese, yogurt, all fruit, hummus, and most veggies. We went on your first trip to the beach this month. Your favorite part was definitely the sand. We love you sweet Bram. Happy 10 months.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Happy 9 Months Bram

Happy 9 Months to this handsome face...
Weight 17lbs 10 oz (10%)
Height 26 1/2 inches (10%)
Head Circ 17 1/2 inches (25%)

-You are getting really close to crawling! I can tell you want to move really bad but for now you are just rocking away on all fours
-You make everyone smile
-using your pincher grasp to pick up food (and everything else small!! It terrifies me!)
-You are FINALLY sleeping through the night and taking 2 good naps a day!

-I had some problems with nursing on one side, so I weaned one side and was trying to only nurse you on one side. My supply is not doing the best job keeping up. At your 9 month check up the doctor told us that your weight and height have not increased enough over the past 3 months; therefore, I have to start supplementing with formula. I was pretty bummed, but the most important thing is to do what is best for you! So We are going to start giving you two bottles of formula a day and I will nurse you twice a day as well.
-You are still getting ear infections quite often so we have an appointment to see the ENT, hopefully they will put in tubes to help you from getting so many ear infections.